December 20, 2016, Kitchener, Ontario
Posted by: Robert Deutschmann, Personal Injury Lawyer
Chronic pain is a sad but fairly common result of car accidents injuries. Pain can come from a variety of sources. It can be sporadic, or it can be an ongoing chronic problem. Chronic pain can result from surgery following accidents or from fibromyalgia, and it can drastically alter your life. One of the most serious consequences of chronic pain other than the pain itself, can be depression which results from the feelings of sadness and hopelessness triggered by the pain.
Major depression such as this, is different from a simple sad day or bad mood. Depression is defined as having at least five of the following symptoms which last for at least two weeks at any time:
- Predominant mood being depressed, sad blue, hopeless or irritable. Crying spells are common.
- Increased or decreased appetite with sudden weight loss or gain.
- Sleeping too much or insomnia.
- Agitation.
- Decreased sex drive.
- Feeling worthless or having guilty thoughts.
- Suicidal thoughts.
- Problems concentrating or with memory.
- Loss of interest in relationships and things once found pleasurable.
Chronic pain is suffered by about 1 in 10 Canadians, and depression is thought to be four times more common in people with chronic pain that those without. Chronic lower back pain sufferers have an even high rate of depression. Chronic pain is suffered equally by men and women, but is more common in middle aged people. It can affect your home life, your social life and work.
Back pain can result from soft tissue injuries, and from more serious injuries during a car accident and following surgery. The chronic pain associated with back pain can be frustratingly difficult to diagnose and treat. This leads to further depression. Sometimes people begin to think there may be something wrong with them, and that the pain is not real. Friends and co-workers may struggle to understand how bad the pain can be and how devastating it is to a person’s life.
Chronic pain of any kind can make sleep difficult, leading to fatigue and irritability. Staying home to recover can lead to feelings of isolation. If work is missed too much or work is lost, then financial pressures can increase feelings of depression, frustration and anger. Other problems with chronic pain include the side effects of medications for pain, sleep disorders, or muscle spasms. The medications can also hinder the ability to remember clearly. Intimate relationships suffer when sexual activity is the last thing on the patient’s mind.
If you have been in an accident and are suffering from chronic pain with or without depression you should seek medical help, and seek the advice of a personal injury lawyer.