Kitchener saw 8% increase in auto collision claims in 2017 - Allstate 2017 Safe Driving Study Results |
November 27, 2017, Kitchener, Ontario
Posted by: Robert Deutschmann, Personal Injury Lawyer
Allstate Insurance has released its 2017 Safe Driving Study Results and the details are very interesting. The report is comprehensive and highlights the most and least safe driving locales in Canada, the safest and least safe driving days of the year, and the nature of accident claims. The Region of Waterloo, Brantford and Guelph don’t rate particularly well in a Canada wide context. Here is a brief run down of the results.
- Ontario has some of the safest driving communities in Canada (claims / 100 cars 2015-2017)
- Hanmer had 3.65% of the claims, Chelmsford and Val Caron were in the top 6. Locally St. Thomas had 4.44%, Waterdown 5.04% ranked well.
- Waterloo placed the middle of the pack for accident, dropping by 3% in 2017.
- Cambridge and Brantford held steady with about 5.75%
- Kitchener saw and 8% increase in rates in 2017 placing it in 55th place nationally
- Guelph saw an 9% increase in its collision frequency rates, bringing it to 6.81% ranking it at 76th place nationally
- Ontario has the 5 towns with greatest increase in collisions claim frequency (Thorold, Essex, Kanata, Georgetown and Caledon)
- Ontario placed third nationally in 2017 for collision claims with 6.04% of all claims. This is up almost 5% from the 2013-2015 perios.
- Ontario had the most collisions (2012-2017) on February 12
- Ontario has the least accidents of the year on December 25
- Fridays have 16.7% of the weekly accident claims
- February sees the most collision claims of the year, April sees the least
- Rear end collisions represent the most frequent reason for car insurance claims
- The most expensive kind of loss based on the severity of claim is pedestrian / cyclist collisions.
- The worst day of the week for collision claims by loss (nationally) is Friday. Between 16-18% of all rear enders, turning, parked car hits, lane change, backing into vehicles, chain reaction, and pedestrian / cyclist strikes happen on Fridays. Thursdays see the most head on collisions.
There are many reasons that collision rates in communities increase and decrease dramatically on a year over year basis. The most likely culprit is extensive construction projects or particularly bad weather cycles.
Days of the week rates are interesting. Fridays likely have such high rates due to people being tired and anxious to see the end of the work week, and traditionally heading out in the evenings.
February traditionally is dark with poor road and weather conditions. This plays into it being the most common month to have an insurance claim.
Dig into the data here. It is very interesting. Thanks to Allstate for assembling and releasing it.
Posted under Accident Benefit News, Bicycle Accidents, Car Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents
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About Deutschmann de Koning Law
Deutschmann de Koning Law serves South-Western Ontario with offices in Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Woodstock, Brantford, Stratford and Ayr. The law practice of Robert Deutschmann and Nick de Koning focuses almost exclusively in personal injury and disability insurance matters. For more information, please visit or call us at 1-519-742-7774.