Pool Noodle Bike Protection?

November 01, 2016, Kitchener, Ontario

Posted by: Robert Deutschmann, Personal Injury Lawyer

The Toronto Star did a great article on one man's mission to keep himself safer while riding his bike.on the road ways. Warren Hruska cycles 18 km every day from the Beaches neighbourhood to North York daily and he faced no end of abuse and disregard from drivers. He describes the car/truck drivers as completely insulated in their vehicles.

He decided the best way to keep cars and trucks from coming so close to him that their mirrors brushed him on their way by was to attach a pool noodle to his seat post making the 1 metre distance (required by law) clear to drivers. He says that this bright visual signal helps drivers gauge their distance from him. The change was almost magical he is quoted in the Star article.

Cyclists face many obstacles on the roadway and crowding is one of the greatest dangers. When cars and trucks are too close they can strike the cyclist of cause them to fall from the force of wind. Cyclists are sometimes tragically pulled under trucks by the force of the wind. The laws in Ontario were recently changed requiring motorists to yield at least one metre to the cyclists on the roadway but it seems many drivers are unaware of the law, or of their position on the road. Toronto police report over 850 car / bike collisions from January to September this year.

If you are riding on the road you may wish to consider this innovative way to raise awareness of where you are on the road. Cyclists should also:

  1. Wear a helmet
  2. Wear bright reflective clothing
  3. Have an intermittent flashing red light on the back of their bike and headlight on the front
  4. Follow the rules of the road at all times and not dart in/out of traffic
  5. Take extra care in wet/snowy weather
  6. Watch out for manholes, raised sewer drains/rails/opening car doors
  7. Signal your turns

You can read more about Bike Safety on the MTO Website and CAA sites.



Posted under Bicycle Accidents, Brain Injury, Car Accidents, Concussion Syndrome, Personal Injury

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About Deutschmann de Koning Law

Deutschmann de Koning Law serves South-Western Ontario with offices in Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Woodstock, Brantford, Stratford and Ayr. The law practice of Robert Deutschmann and Nick de Koning focuses almost exclusively in personal injury and disability insurance matters. For more information, please visit www.ddinjurylaw.com or call us at 1-519-742-7774.

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