Staying Safe While Riding a Bicycle

April 29, 2021, Kitchener, Ontario

Posted by: Robert Deutschmann, Personal Injury Lawyer

Cycling has taken off this last year. Some people have come back to it. Many others who have either found themselves with a lot more time on their hands, who no longer can go to the gym, who don’t feel safe taking transit, or who are looking for family activities outside the house, have all taken up cycling. 

People are riding on roads, bike paths and trails. Municipalities throughout Ontario are responding to the increase in cyclists by ‘slowing’ roads down, removing car traffic, and establishing separated bike lanes. This is great news for everyone. Active transportation and cycling as recreation keep the environment and the individual healthier. It’s the green way to go.

Staying safe on a bike is rule one. The CAA reports that about 7,500 bike riders are injured each year in Canada. It’s what we teach our kids as soon as they get on a bike. It may be time for a refresher course for the rest of us!

Tips from The Experts On How To Ride Safely And Avoid Being In An Accident:

  1. Make sure that your bike fits you properly – especially if you are a new rider. Bikes and guidelines have changed since you were a child. Get a bike for the purpose you’ll be using it (a cruiser, a racer, a mountain bike, a hybrid for commuting etc) and then have the pros fit it to your frame.
  2. Wear a helmet. A bike helmet. Have it properly fitted and wear it properly. Do up the chin strap!
  3. Ride at the side of the road, or in the designated bike lane while riding in town.
  4. If you are riding on multi-use trails, respect the rules of the trail. Don’t surprise pedestrians. Use your bell to warn them you are approaching.
  5. Make sure your bike has lights and a bell. Flashing LED lights can improve cyclist visibility dramatically day and night.
  6. Wear brightly coloured clothes – reflective at night.
  7. Obey all the rules of the road.
  8. Don’t drink and ride. It isn’t safe and it isn’t legal.

If you are in an accident with a car and are injured call 911. You may be entitled to accident benefits. Call one of the experienced Personal Injury Lawyers at Deutschmann de Koning Law to help you determine if you are eligible for a claim and to help you secure the benefits you deserve.

If you hit a cyclist while driving be sure to stop and make sure they are ok. Call the police and ambulance if you think they are injured and need attention. You are required to stay on the scene when someone is injured until the police tell you that you may leave.

Have fun and be safe on your bike!


Posted under Bicycle Accidents

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Deutschmann de Koning Law serves South-Western Ontario with offices in Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Woodstock, Brantford, Stratford and Ayr. The law practice of Robert Deutschmann and Nick de Koning focuses almost exclusively in personal injury and disability insurance matters. For more information, please visit or call us at 1-519-742-7774.

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