With sunny days - beware the impact of smog and heat

June 08, 2017, Kitchener, Ontario

Posted by: Robert Deutschmann, Personal Injury Lawyer

Sunny days and rising temperatures hint at another warm summer for Canadians. With global warming at the forefront of many conversations about the weather and its environmental influence, the effects have resulted in more concerns about health and safety while being outside. Especially for the ti-cities, these concerns are about heat and smog.

Smog is a result of high concentrations of burning fossil fuel entering the atmosphere, resulting in dirty air. Impurities in the air are common, but in large amounts can cause respiratory problems for people who have heart and lung problems.

Smog isn’t only an issue for those already sick, but senior citizens, children, runners and cyclists can also suffer from smog. Complications range from minor issues like coughing and sneezing, to serious issues like damage to lung cells and the body’s decreased ability to fight off other respiratory infections.

The Toronto Environment website stated that in 2014, 1300 people had died form a smog-related illness. It was also recorded that another 6,000 people ended up in the hospital related to such illnesses.

Heat is also another issue people should watch out for in the summer. Warm temperatures become dangerous when combined with humidity and other hazardous weather conditions.

 Although many people choose to get more active outside during the summer, too much physical activity in heat can result in the body overheating. Over-heating can lead to confusion, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and in extreme cases organ damage.

Both smog and heat can be a problem for not only for those suffering from lung or heart conditions, but for runners and cyclists, seniors, and little children as well, heat and smog pose a serious threat since the body is in constant movement.

While these can put a damper on your summer, there are some things you can do to protect yourself from smog and heat, and keep it from ruining your summer. Keeping track of regular smog and heat index on the weather channel and Health Canada, and avoiding strenuous activity during high levels of smog or heat, you can also take frequent water breaks and wear looser clothing that allows sweat to evaporate. Wearing sunscreen is also a good idea to apply to protect you and your family.

Besides the little things you can do for yourself, the Health Canada website also recommends small actions people can take to reduce rising carbon emissions that contribute to smog and heat levels. Some of these ideas include using a push lawnmower instead of a gas-run one, taking public transit, and not burning yard waste.

During the summer, it is important that many will be out and about enjoying the sun, but if one happens to come across someone who is unconscious from heat or smog, it is important that you can help them in any way that you can. The City of Toronto has put a few suggestions on their website on how to do this, like moving the unconscious person to a shady area, removing any access clothing they have on, giving them cool drink of water or sports drink, and calling 911.

Enjoy the warmer weather, but remember to be careful and protect yourself from heat and smog while spending time outside.

For more information on smog and heat, or to read about more safety tips, here are a few links below to help;




Prepared by Ariel Deutschmann

Posted under Pain and Suffering

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Deutschmann de Koning Law serves South-Western Ontario with offices in Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Woodstock, Brantford, Stratford and Ayr. The law practice of Robert Deutschmann and Nick de Koning focuses almost exclusively in personal injury and disability insurance matters. For more information, please visit www.ddinjurylaw.com or call us at 1-519-742-7774.

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